What is Coaching?
The ICF defines coaching as: ‘partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole’.
Coaching is a process. It is directed towards creating positive, meaningful and lasting change in your personal and/or professional life. In a coaching relationship the client and the coach partner up in this process.
This means that you (the client) provide the content to our coaching sessions and I (the coach) facilitate the process of change. I do this by providing a structure and a methodology, and by listening and asking powerful questions. As a professional coach who abides by the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics, I'm your objective, non-judgmental thinking partner and I focus entirely on assisting you to define and achieve your goals.
This differentiates Coaching from other professions and services like a Training, Consulting, Mentoring or Counseling. Coaching also is NOT a mental health service like Psychotherapy or Counseling and it does NOT substitute such services.