4 Reasons Why You Need To Eat An Elephant One Bite At A Time

Big Goals and Small Wins
The end of the year is approaching quickly. Have you started thinking about your goals for next year? What you want to achieve or do differently? What you want more or less of in your life? New years resolutions…
I encourage my clients YEAR-ROUND to get crystal clear on what they want and why it’s important to them to achieve a specific goal.
I also encourage my clients to take one baby-step at a time in approaching their goal. And to make sure they celebrate small wins along the way. Those small successes are often overlooked, forgotten or devalued.
And that’s a shame, because those baby-steps will help you get where you want to go. Some people say that “success is a series of small wins”.
I like to ask my clients the following question: HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT? The answer is: ONE BITE AT A TIME. OH, AND DON’T FORGET TO ENOY THOSE BITES.
4 Reasons Why You Need To Eat An Elephant One Bite At A Time
1. Big goals are about creating change in some significant area(s) of your life. We all know that such change doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time and effort. This can be overwhelming and maybe even discouraging. Chunking a big goal up in bite-sized steps or mini-goals makes it manageable.
2. Small successes are used as stepping-stones: Focusing on and celebrating the small wins along the way to bigger successes makes you feel competent. You might think things like: “See, I can do this!”. Your confidence and sense of accomplishment will get a nice boost, which will keep you motivated, even when the going gets touch.
3. Achieving mini-goals along the way will help keep your brain attuned to the good things in your life. Did you know that our brains are evolutionary wired with a ‘negativity bias’, meaning that our mind reacts more quickly, strongly and persistently to negative events? By intentionally focusing on the positive and on what is already going well you can prompt yourself to pay closer attention to positive events in the future and to engage more fully in them, which might increase your overall wellbeing and quality of life.
4. Working towards mini-goals, taking one baby-step at a time means more opportunity to succeed and to celebrate! And then your brain will release dopamine. This neurotransmitter helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure center and is therefore also referred to as the ‘happy hormone’. Need I say more…? :-
Are you curious to hear more about this topic? Do you want to try this strategy? If you answered YES to both questions, then make sure to click HERE and collect a FREE GUIDE ‘Reaching Your Big Goal in 7 Steps’. I know you will love it!