Taking A Daily Vacation – 6 Steps to Recharge, Boost Productivity And Improve Wellbeing

Life is busy. Some of us are juggling many balls. And some of us might be struggling to keep those balls up in the air, which can cause us to feel stressed and overwhelmed. This, in turn, might negatively impact the way we perform (e.g. productivity, efficiency), both at home and at work.
It’s time to take a break!
When was the last time you allowed yourself to unwind, relax, or do something you love doing?
This 6-Step process is called “Taking A Daily Vacation”. It’s a fun and effective way to integrate some self-care in your day and to start taking control over your wellbeing.
Every Step comes with some questions for you to consider. To benefit most, I highly recommend typing or writing down your answers as you go through the 6 steps.
The purpose of this 6-Step process is for you to pursue something that you truly and fully enjoy, to take a break from the busyness and inject some heartfelt positivity in your day.
Taking time to do this will recharge your battery, improve your overall wellbeing, and boost your productivity, both at home and at work.
Ask yourself:
If I could take a daily vacation, where would I go?
Or in other words:
If you could do something that you LOVE doing every day, what might that be?
Imagine you were to take some time to do this today, how would it make you feel?
And if you were to do this (or something alike) every single day, how might this impact you as a person? What are the values you’re living as you create this in your life?
And how might this impact your surroundings? And the other areas in your life?
It’s key to choose something you thoroughly enjoy doing. It can be small, it may be big, it doesn’t matter, as long as it lights you up.
Decide that this time is for you to do something you truly enjoy doing, so you can recharge, boost your productivity, and improve your wellbeing.
Why does it matter to take this time for yourself? What will it give you that’s even more important?
Limit distractions and put sabotaging thoughts on the shelf for the time being. They will still be there when you return from your vacation…
What sabotaging thoughts are showing up for you regularly when it comes to self-care?
Need inspiration? Make sure to grab the free E-book!
Plan at least 5 minutes, and preferably a little (or a lot) more, in your day to do the activity you chose.
Looking at your day ahead, when might be a good time?
How will you remind yourself?
What might get in the way?
How could you overcome that?
What other resources might you use to increase the chance of you following through?
While you’re vacationing, set the intention to be in the moment and notice what’s happening.
What emotions come up? How does that impact you?
What are the values you’re living as you create this in your life?
What are some of the things you’re telling yourself in this moment?
How does your body feel?
What do you hear around you?
And what else do you notice?
Take a (mental) note of these experiences.
When you return from your daily vacation, take a moment to plan your next trip.
Where will you go tomorrow?
Reflect on the STEP 2 & 3 questions again.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to turn this process into a habit, something you do for yourself every single day.
Want more tips & tricks on how to turn this 6-Step process into a habit? Make sure to grab the free E-book.
Share your ideas, suggestions and experiences with us. You might inspire others to take control over their wellbeing!
We’re looking forward to hear what your daily vacation was like.
Where did you go and how did it impact you?